In observance of the holidays, Agilent CrossLab/iLab Operations Software Support Help Desk will be closed during U.S. hours on Monday, February 17th, 2025. We will resume regular U.S. support hours on Tuesday, February 18th, 2025. For urgent matters, please add "Urgent" to the ticket/email subject or press "1" when prompted to escalate a call on the iLab Support phone, and we will prioritize those requests first.
The Research Histopathology Core (RHC) provides analytical morphology related services to the research teams and educational programs at UTMB. The facility is equipped with the latest available instrumentation and operated by highly skilled personnel, who can assist with tissue preparation, immunohistochemistry including assay optimization, image analysis, digital photomicrography, anatomical consultation, and Insitu hybridization. RHC provides an expanded service including coordinated histopathology support services or develop special protocols to fit your research needs for investigators engaged in research in emerging diseases. We look forward to providing these services to fit your research needs and yield high quality results.
Services included:
Equipment available for users includes:
Gustavo Valbuena, MD PHD | Lab Director
Kenneth Escobar, HT ASCP Certified | Lab Manager
Lab phone: 409-747-0735
Location |
Hours |
University of Texas Medical Branch Keiller 1.11 6 B Galveston, TX 77555
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday to Friday
Name | Role | Phone | Location | |
Gustavo Valbuena |
(409) 747-0735
Keiller 1.116B
Kenneth Escobar |
Lab Manager/Histotechnoligist
(409) 747-0735
BSB 5.539
Kerry Graves |
Medical Technologist
(409) 747-0735
BSB 5.539
Natalie Dobias |
(409) 747-0735
GNL 5th floor